Posts Tagged ‘building a website’

So you or your company has decided to build a brand spanking new website. You’ve been handed the keys and decided to start this project with all the best intentions in the world but how do you start. You need to start with precise and clear planning and then follow through with the execution. Now you ask yourself where do I start.

When building a website for any business the most important question you must ask and more importantly answer is what do I want to achieve. Is your site a directory in which case you want to build traffic or are you building an online retail store in which case you need sales and must design a site that is not only has relatively friendly UI ( user interfaces) but you must also incorporate a secure online shop that allows you present your products in the best way possible. Defining these points in the planning stages of your project can be the make or break for a successful site. Get started by creating the following 3 documents.

1. Mission statement- You declaration of intent
2. Design Specs- Clear design specifications will assist in
achieving your goals
3. Budget- Know what you’ve got before you plan a project
beyond your budget

I will continue this post and others over the next week. Stay tuned for Part 2…