Posts Tagged ‘marketing news’

Twitter made its way on to the web just 3 years ago and has exploded to become a world wide success. The question is
what is twitter? and why is it become so popular?

Twitter is simply a micro or “mini” blog that consists text messages or “tweets” of just 140 characters which are posted
on the users profile and accessible to the individuals list of “follwers” or subscribers. The reason for its popularity
is just as simple as it’s premise, users find it easy to adopt, which has helped it amass approximately 5 million users world wide.

Early on the Twitter wave of popularity was championed by a number of celebrities, Ashton Kutcher to name but one,
which made the general public’s interest even more fevered. The consumption would soon reach a astronomical heights and
soon the commercial world acknowledged Twitters impact and its ability to reach customers. So now that Twitter seems
to have taken over, much like the invasion of the body snatchers- but in this case its our time that has been stolen in favour
of a utopian text based society, whats next for the Twitter phenomenon? Developers have been churning out new applications
for Twitter daily with everything from extended tweets to creating your own personalised twitter templates and there seems to be
no end in sight. Jack Dorsey and his team have just launched a new mobile payment company but be assured this is only the begining!